I only have 2 weeks left of my maternity leave! Then I will have roughly about 56 hours of school work a week! Most of that time I will be able to work from home! Luckily!!! However,  I could use some advice! I know that it is going to be difficult! I’d love some tips from parents who work from home with an infant at home!

So far, I have devised a plan and hopefully it will work! Mostly it’s about making a schedule and sticking to it!

  1. I’m going to try to start work by 10am
  2. Work during his naps
  3. Get Dalton to bed by 8:30 so that I can get an extra hour of work in
  4. Read him my text books instead of baby books he gets to be read to and I get some of that precious reading done!

I’m really nervous about this coming semester I know that I need to just power through school I’m just about half way done so i really need to just push through! I enjoy school and learning but I’m not going to lie and pretend that it’s easy just because I enjoy it. I’m nervous about my grades taking  a hit. I’m worried about the stress of getting everything done while taking care of an infant! I’m stressed about the time that I will be away from Dalton! Everything is going to get real crazy really soon and I’m nervous about it!

I guess this is the next chapter in my life, a full time mom and college student it’s only for 2.5 more years and then I’ll be able to close that chapter and be a full time working mom instead. So I’m going to figure it out as I go!