So I have been a bit of a terrible blogger lately! Sorry!!! I have actually been doing pretty good at my youtube channel as far as posting but writing i haven’t been doing quite as much… Which honestly I love writting it really helps me destress and process whatever is going on in my life…

Things are all going well right now but so many things have been going on I’m going to break it down in sections because then I wont feel quite so overwhelmed with it all.

Lets start with Dalton.

Dalton went back to school and I feel so guilty that he is at school so much but it will be the same schedule that he will be on while I’m in student teaching and the sooner he’s on a schedule the better. Hubby has been dropping him off in the morning so that Sunday isn’t as exposed to so many germs that live in daycares… Dalton seems to enjoy being back at school. He is also doing really good at potty training and is no longer wearing diapers during nap time. We recently took the child locks off his door so that he can use the toilet in the middle of night if need be… I do worry about him getting into the rest of the house while everyone sleeps but so far so good. I’m so proud of him and so surprised I expected potty training to back track when we brought Sunday home but so far so good. I have my fingers crossed that he continues to do well! I would love to have him completely potty trained… He did already bring home a daycare virus and it sucked but luckily it seemed to pass through the house quickly! 


She is doing well still a little congested from the cold but for the most part she is doing good. She is starting to give me a 4-6 hour stretch of sleep in the night! Which is so opposite from Dalton I have many posts about his lack of sleep! She is now in 0-3 month close and is too long for most of the newborn clothes other than a few dresses… She’s smiling now which is the best thing ever! She can also hold her head up for a long time it always surprises me! She is awake more often so I’m getting a lot more time with her! I feel like our bond is growing stronger every day and I love it so much! Everything feels easier this time around but I am also glad this is my last child. I am enjoying my family and I look forward to where our lives will go from here! 


I feel better for the most part but I’m 6 weeks and 5 days post partum and still wipe and find bright red blood… it worries me and I am looking forward to seeing my midwife on tuesday to find out if it is something I should be concerned about… I’ve started pumping once a day and I donate the milk to another baby whose mother is not producing enough and is working with lactation councilors to try to increase her supply… I found out that she has another woman donating as well which is great and takes some of the pressure of me… now I will start putting aside some milk for Sunday aside and donate and not feel guilty… Other than all of that I feel like I should be able to do more than  I can and I’m really looking forward to getting the green light to take baths and be intimate with my hubby! I am doing well mentally, which I was soooo concerned about after having post partum depression with Dalton but so far so good… It is really weird not being in classes this semester though… but I am enjoying my maternity leave but I am still very motivated to go back and finish my degree! I’m also enjoying all the little things. Like getting Sunday to smile, reading to Dalton, organizing and rearranging my house, getting ready to decorate for fall, having the master bedroom and bathroom, not having in laws living with me, and just enjoying life. I’m taking it all in and loving every second of it!